Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Engagement Review: Ladies and Men of Honor's Diary

Me, my girls, my mom and the gentlemen had our rehearsals and briefing session prior to the engagement day so that we know the cue from where and when should the girls come down, and when the men of honor should come in according to the song that I have chosen.
Briefing session! Huhu

The best planner on earth, my mommah! Look! She was so semangat

The dulang boys (men of honor! ;) )

Basically I have chosen this song for the dulang boys while they came in to put the gift trays from the man's side and while my dulang girls came down from the stairs to bring down the tray gifts from my side. The reason why I have chosen this song was because I wanted to keep the Malay traditional mood and element in it. Like the saying from our older generations 'Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat' (Better the children die than the tradition) although I'm a bit reluctant to agree on the 'Biar mati anak' part. How can you let your children die!? ;p

Song: Irama Melayu Damak
Source: YouTube

And my mom and I had agreed on this design for the ladies of honor to wear.

Design: Kurung Pahang 
Materials: Songket and Satin
Colour: Kuning lemak ketam (very close to light yellow)
Selendang (Scarf) material: Off white chiffon with some beadings

All the materials for the outfit were purchased in Kelantan. They have so many patterns and colours for the songket with reasonable prices. Kelantan is famous for its songket too.

Both of the drawings were by my mom as well. I love the cutting of Kurung Pahang for this event and chiffon scarf to achieve the sweet and decent Malay young girls look while carrying the gift trays. 

The girls 

As for the men of honor's outfit, Saiful has decided on a cream colour fabric with co-ordinated songkets for the dulang boys' baju melayu. The fabric for baju melayu and songket were purchased in Kelantan as well.
All in complete baju melayu. Very handsome kan? Hi hi

To all my ladies of honor and Saiful's men of honor, thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for being part of our memorable event. It was a great pleasure to have you guys to be involved during our day.
This video is special dedicated from me to you as our appreciation. Love you guys big time, like only God knows! You know who you are ;)

Song: This Will Be by Natalie Cole
Video by: Yours truly, me. 


Renee Meow said...

heyya...i checked out ur blog after seeing comment in farah's blog.. omg ur engagement is gorgeous..! u r gorgeous..! ur bridesmaids n groomsmen are perfect.. hantaran pun wow.. overall, gorgeously perfect! :) oh btw, congratz on ur engagement, gudluck on ur wed preps.. ;)

Blushing Cheeks said...

Hi Renee! That's very kind of you thanks dear! And I like reading your posts on your blog too, very informative! You really do look a lot like Siti Nurhaliza! Are you guys like related or something??