Since today, when the tick tock struck at 12 midnight and there you go I am one year older than yesterday, I guess it's time for me to make a confession.
A confession of something which I have kept for quite awhile.
It has been a routine for me to prepare breakfast for Saiful before we head to office.
However there was this one particular week where I felt strange..really really strange. I loved my bed to the core. I became a huge lazy bum when it comes to waking up early in the morning. To put "cherry" on top, the kitchen smelled to me like some alien death, hence I didn't prepare breakfast for Saiful (whooopsiee...poor guyyy) and I skipped office.. make things worst, we have invited both families to come over to our place to celebrate Fathers' Day and I have promised them to cook! How could I? The smell of the kitchen literally made me heave!! A day before Fathers' Day, by looking at my condition Saiful was so worried and he actually did some research on Mr. Google. He went out and came back with 3 boxes of conception indicator and gave it to me.
Me: "What is this? What do you want me to do with it? Lol.*
Saiful: "It's clearly stated on the box. Read the manual and go, check!"
Me: "Are you serious....cannot be..."
Saiful: "You'll never know"
I did the test.
After a minute, a positive line appeared on the stick. I was laughing at first and tried another one. The same positive line appeared. This time, no laugh. I was sweating....... Fine. I tried the third one. This time I used the 99% accurate digital conception indicator and guess what...
I was three weeks plus pregnant. O.o
*breathe in breathe out, breathe in breathe out*
Mixed feelings.
I went out from the bathroom.
Me: "Happy Fathers' Day in advance.."
Saiful was puzzled.
I showed him the tests. He laughed and hugged me. He teared up a bit while I was still nervous thinking about it, like hello there's a little life, I mean..real lifeee in my tummy and it's not a joke! I kept on asking myself whether I'm ready for this? Will I be a good mother to his future kid? Do I know how to clean baby's poops & change diapers??
Saiful responded.
" You will never ever be ready until you face it.." *wide smile*
What he said was true.
Alhamdulillah, I survived my second trimester.. and now entering my seventh month of pregnancy real soon. After all the advices from the doctors and our parents, this is the main reason why Saiful and I decided to differ our Postgraduate studies until next year.
Saiful whatsapp'ed me this before we found out about our little one is on the way.
Probably God has planned and decided for our journey to follow this sequence? ;)
1, 2, 3 ...checked.
4....coming soon.
See little bub how much we have sacrificed for you??
You better be a good boy/girl o.k?
Then I promise next year we proceed with no. 5 and we go play snow.
A confession of something which I have kept for quite awhile.
It has been a routine for me to prepare breakfast for Saiful before we head to office.
However there was this one particular week where I felt strange..really really strange. I loved my bed to the core. I became a huge lazy bum when it comes to waking up early in the morning. To put "cherry" on top, the kitchen smelled to me like some alien death, hence I didn't prepare breakfast for Saiful (whooopsiee...poor guyyy) and I skipped office.. make things worst, we have invited both families to come over to our place to celebrate Fathers' Day and I have promised them to cook! How could I? The smell of the kitchen literally made me heave!! A day before Fathers' Day, by looking at my condition Saiful was so worried and he actually did some research on Mr. Google. He went out and came back with 3 boxes of conception indicator and gave it to me.
Me: "What is this? What do you want me to do with it? Lol.*
Saiful: "It's clearly stated on the box. Read the manual and go, check!"
Me: "Are you serious....cannot be..."
Saiful: "You'll never know"
I did the test.
After a minute, a positive line appeared on the stick. I was laughing at first and tried another one. The same positive line appeared. This time, no laugh. I was sweating....... Fine. I tried the third one. This time I used the 99% accurate digital conception indicator and guess what...
I was three weeks plus pregnant. O.o
*breathe in breathe out, breathe in breathe out*
Mixed feelings.
I went out from the bathroom.
Me: "Happy Fathers' Day in advance.."
Saiful was puzzled.
I showed him the tests. He laughed and hugged me. He teared up a bit while I was still nervous thinking about it, like hello there's a little life, I mean..real lifeee in my tummy and it's not a joke! I kept on asking myself whether I'm ready for this? Will I be a good mother to his future kid? Do I know how to clean baby's poops & change diapers??
Saiful responded.
" You will never ever be ready until you face it.." *wide smile*
What he said was true.
Alhamdulillah, I survived my second trimester.. and now entering my seventh month of pregnancy real soon. After all the advices from the doctors and our parents, this is the main reason why Saiful and I decided to differ our Postgraduate studies until next year.
Saiful whatsapp'ed me this before we found out about our little one is on the way.
Probably God has planned and decided for our journey to follow this sequence? ;)
1, 2, 3 ...checked.
4....coming soon.
See little bub how much we have sacrificed for you??
You better be a good boy/girl o.k?
Then I promise next year we proceed with no. 5 and we go play snow.
congrats nik n hubs! take care ok..:)
Thanks babe ;)
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